Tag Archives: botnets

Damballa releases detailed analysis of Aurora botnet that attacked Google and others

Remember the cyberattacks against Google and other businesses back in China? Google blogged about “A new approach to China” and it was all over the news everywhere for a while. Well, this week security firm Damballa released a detailed look into the Aurora botnet that was apparently responsible for these attacks. The 31-page PDF file goes into some great detail about what they were able to find about the botnet and provides some good information about botnets in general.

While this has nothing to do with “VoIP security”, per se, botnets in general are a concern to all of us in the security profession and we need to gain whatever understanding we can into their threat.

Now, the obvious caveat here is that Damballa is a vendor of security services so you do have to understand that the analysis is written from that perspective. Still, on my glance through the document this morning the research itself did seem of value.

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