Monthly Archives: November 2013

Large-scale Attacks Against VoIP and Videoconferencing Happening Today?

Voice Ops mailing listAre there large-scale attacks happening against VoIP and videoconferencing systems today?  Or is it limited to one particular system?  In a posting this morning to the VoiceOps mailing list, J. Oquendo wrote:

We have seen a larger than normal, if not, one of the largest attacks against some of our VoIP and video conferencing systems today. Initially, we fielded a report of a “system gone bad” followed by another, then another, and another. This has now carried on into some of our videoconference units (LifeSize).

Because our goal is to get telephony up and running, there was not much we could do via incident response, so I have little to add on attack vectors however, I will state that PBXNSIP has been the primary target, with about a dozen of these being hit pretty hard to the point I’ve had to block all, stop the software and re-start it.

Given that J. Oquendo has been around VoIP security circles for quite a few years now and worked on a number of different projects, I’m inclined to believe his account.  Are any of you seeing increased attacks?   If so, I think he’d certainly like to hear from you.  If you’re not a member of the VoiceOps list, you might also want to join that list as it’s become quite a good resource for people involved in the operations of VoIP systems.