Monthly Archives: February 2011

Voice of VOIPSA Now Running WordPress 3.1

Tonight I upgraded Voice of VOIPSA to the shiny new WordPress 3.1. It looks like there are no issue with our theme or any other part of the site, but if you do see anything funky, please do let me know. And if you are one of the bloggers here on the site, you may see a few changes to the user interface, and you have some very cool new ways to easily link to other articles on the site (if you are writing using the web interface).

Video Summary of RSA Conference

I was not out at this year’s RSA Conference, but was following some of the conversation via Twitter. I noticed a number of good videos coming out of the event, and liked this “summary” video from David Sparks that does give an overview of some of the major themes:

David was out there on behalf of Tripwire, Inc, and produced a number of other good video interviews. I enjoyed this one with my friend Martin McKeay of the Network Security Podcast on the topic of “why is ‘cloud security’ so over hyped?”

Tekelec Blog – DNS and SIP: Threats and Protection

Over on the Tekelec blog today, Dorgham Sisalem writes on “DNS and SIP: Threats and Protection“, an area of discussion that, quite frankly, hasn’t really received much attention. DNS plays a vital role in VoIP and unified communications, and so the security around DNS and SIP definitely deserves consideration. The post is not too long, so rather than summarize, I’ll just point you over there
