Monthly Archives: December 2008

Video demo of “sipautohack” tool

Over in the VOIPSEC mailing list, Shawn Merdinger recently pointed out a video produced by the folks at Enable Security to highlight one of their new tools, “sipautohack”, that they sell as part of one of their packages of tools called “VOIPPack”. From their description page, VOIPPack includes:

  • sipscan – Scans the network for SIP devices and identifies the user-agent and if the device is a PBX
  • sipenumerate – Enumerates extensions on a PBX server
  • sipcrack – Launches password attacks on the PBX server
  • sipautohack – Given a target network, this module will scan for SIP devices, enumerate any extensions on all PBX servers found and try to guess their password

This video, then, is a demonstration of the last of the listed tools:

Demonstrating sipautohack from Sandro Gauci on Vimeo.

We here at VOIPSA have no connection to this tool or vendor and cannot say anything positive or negative about the tool or company… it’s just another entry in the very long list of VoIP security tools out there (see our Tools list). I just think it’s great to see video screencasts out there showing what tools like this can do. (And if you have a screencast related to VoIP security out there you’d like us to mention, feel free to contact me.)

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