Are you interested in using voice for authentication, also known as voice biometrics? Would you like to know how far voice biometrics has come from that 1992 film “Sneakers” with “My voice is my password”?
If you are free tomorrow, July 10, 2008, at 11am US Eastern time you can join in a conference call/podcast where I’ll be interviewing David Standig with about voice biometrics in general and VoiceVerified’s specific offering. If you can’t join us at 11am, the interview will be available as a “Squawk Box” podcast later in the day.
The deal is that Alec Saunders, the regular host/producer of the daily Squawk Box podcast is away on vacation and I’ve been guest-hosting this week in his absence. The daily shows have been about a range of topics (today was a great one about P2PSIP) and tomorrow’s show actually gets into VoIP security in terms of voice verification/biometrics.
If you would like to join into the show, there are two ways you can do so:
- If you are a Facebook user, go to: You’ll be prompted to install the “Calliflower” Facebook app.
- If you don’t use Facebook – or don’t want to install the app, you can go to at: You’ll need to register for a free account.
In either case, you’ll get access to the telephone number you need to call and, during the call, will also have access to the live chat session that is used.
If you aren’t able to attend (or don’t want to use the app), you can listen to the show after I post it on Alec’s sometime later tomorrow, probably in the evening.
Also, if you are interested in being on Alec’s Squawk Box show, my guest hosting is done tomorrow but drop me a note and I’ll be glad to suggest your name to Alec after he returns. I frequently participate and they’ve been enjoyable shows to be a part of.
P.S. In the interest of full transparency and disclosure, I should note that VoiceVerified is actually a business partner of my employer, Voxeo, as I outlined in a blog post. That fact, however, did not influence my decision to bring them on the show – I was just looking for interesting companies to interview and they were one that caught my eye.
Technorati Tags:
voiceverified, voice, voip, voip security, security, authentication, squawk box