"Voice over VoIP" project aims to show use of "covert channels" to tunnel voice inside of voice

image We were contacted today by Takehiro Takahashi, a graduate research student at the Georgia Institute of Technology, who has an intriguing new research project they called “Voice over VoIP”.  From their main web page:

Vo2IP is a proof of concept attack which demonstrates a new type of VoIP threats, the VoIP covert channel. With Vo2IP, you can establish a hidden conversation by embedding further compressed voice data into regular PCM-based voice traffic (i.e. G.711 codec). Therefore anyone who is wire-tapping your conversation will decode something completely different from the actual conversation – granted that he is not aware of the use of Vo2IP.

As I understand it, they basically take a G.729 audio stream and tuck that into a spare 8Kbps that can be found in a G.711 audio stream.  An eavesdropping attacker would hear only the overall G.711 audio while the Vo2IP clients on either end encoded/decoded the covert stream (more details here and here). In any event, Takehiro and his fellow researchers would be very interested in any feedback folks have on the project.  Source and binary code for Windows is available. Please email Takehiro with any feedback.

2 thoughts on “"Voice over VoIP" project aims to show use of "covert channels" to tunnel voice inside of voice

  1. Pingback: Voice over VoIP? Security or Pain « Gokul Blog — A conversation on VoIP, IMS, Cisco and Just about Anything

  2. Pingback: Voice over VoIP. Secure or Pain? | Smith On VoIP - Garrett Smith’s Insights on VoIP Products and Services

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