Blue Box Podcast #33 – Detailed VoIP fraud and CALEA discussion, VoIP security news and more

Blue Box Podcast #33 is now available for download.  With this show, we have some excellent user comments that go into some great detail around the recent Pena/Moore VoIP fraud discussion as well as the FCC’s recent decision around CALEA.  Jonathan and I also cover recent VoIP security news as well as other listener comments.  […]

Blue Box Podcast #31 – VoIP Fraud discussion, CALEA tutorial/commentary, VoIP security news and more

Blue Box Podcast #31 is now available for download. In this show, Jonathan and I spend a block of time discussing the recent Pena/Moore VoIP fraud case and another large block of time discussing the recent FCC decision around the application of CALEA to VoIP service providers. We also have our regular discussion of VoIP […]

Blue Box Podcast #30 – Martyn Davies report on 3rd Annual VoIP Security Workshop in Berlin, VoIP security news, more

Blue Box Podcast #30 is now available for download. This show features a 24-minute report from Martyn Davies about the 3rd Annual VoIP Security Workshop held recently in Berlin. Martyn provides his view on the major themes and provides brief segments of interviews he had with some of the speakers. Jonathan and I also discuss […]

Business Week: Is Your VoIP Phone Vulnerable?

This morning Business Week weighed into the ongoing Pena/Moore story with their article “Is Your VoIP Phone Vulnerable?” Given that the article covers mostly familiar ground (and, like most articles in the mainstream press, brings up the fear of SPIT), the significance to me is not so much the content as it is the fact […]

Hacker cracks Net phone providers for gain

The New York Times is reporting a story about Edwin Andres Pena, a 23 year old Miami resident who was arrested today by the Federal government. The Feds allege that Pena was involved in a scheme to sell discounted Internet phone service by breaking into other Internet phone providers and piggybacking connections through their networks […]