How does an emergency call to 9-1-1 or 1-1-2 (or whatever your local emergency number may be) work in a world of voice-over-IP?
It’s not a topic we cover hardly at all here on this blog, yet it’s definitely one of the security and social/cultural aspects of our migration to IP that we definitely have to get right. If we as an industry don’t, people can die. (Or the migration to VoIP will be significantly delayed.)
To that end, a number of emergency services experts are meeting to discuss ongoing work on IP-based emergency services in Vienna, Austria on 21st to 23rd October 2008. The first workshop day is focusing on tutorials to help those interested in the classical 1-1-2 (or 9-1-1) emergency call to get up-to-speed with architectures and standards developed for next generation emergency calling. During the second day various recent activities of standardization organizations around the world will be presented. The third workshop day is dedicated to early warning standardization efforts and the outlook to future emergency services activities.
Participation from those working in standardization organizations as well as persons with interest into the subject is highly appreciated. The event is open to the public and anyone may attend.
For socializing an evening program has been organized. There is a nominal fee of 120 Euros charged to cover the facilities cost, food, drinks, etc. Arrangements are also being made for participants to join remotely.
More information about the workshop can be found behind the following link:
This page also points to previous workshops that took place in New York, Washington, Brussels and Atlanta.
(Thanks to Hannes Tschofenig for providing the majority of this text.)
Technorati Tags:
emergency, 911, voip, sip, standards, ietf