“UC Security” group now on LinkedIn

linkedin-ucsecurity.jpgIf you are a LinkedIn user (as I am), there is now a “UC Security” group that you can join. The description of the group is:

Unified Communications is blurring the boundaries between Voice, Video and Data networks. As such, security threats that used to be in islands are now easily traversing across the network boundaries. UC Security provides a forum for people to share the common security issues around UC.

I can see that several of the “usual characters” in our security circles are already members of the group.

As we mentioned back in July, there is also a VOIPSA group on LinkedIn which you are welcome to join as well.

I am still not personally entirely sold on the value of LinkedIn groups, but I do have to admit that some of the discussions have in fact been useful and interesting. If you are a LinkedIn user, you may want to check out these groups and join in the discussions (or at least promote the existence of the groups through having them on your LinkedIn profile).

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