Monthly Archives: November 2008

FYI – “Security Bloggers Network” in transition… stay tuned…

For those of you who may be used to reading this blog through the “Security Bloggers Network” set up originally by Alan Shimel, you need to be aware that the “SBN” is going through a transition. As Alan details on his blog, Google is in the process of shutting down the “Network” feature of Feedburner and as a result the page and feed for the SBN will be going away.

Alan is working on a new solution but in the meantime you may want to grab the OPML file for the Security Bloggers Network (you should then be able to import this into most feed readers). There are a lot of great security blogs out there.

Stay tuned for more information – once Alan has another solution in place I’ll post an update.

XTest – a tool to test how well 802.1X endpoints secure your VoIP infrastructure

Back in August, the folks at Sipera’s VIPER Lab released a free test tool, XTest, that tests how well (or not) 802.1X with EAP-MD5 protects IP phones and the overall VoIP infrastructure. You can get it at

(And yes, I’ve been meaning to write about this since back in August…. and was intending to write a more thorough review. Perhaps I will at some point, but for now I thought I’d mention the tool’s availability.)