I was pleased to see today that Codenomicon CTO Ari Takanen has started blogging for ITworld with an entry “Greatest Challenge in VoIP Security” in what appears to be a new ITworld blog “VoIP Security: Secrets and Hype“. As that page says:
What is VoIP security all about? After close to ten years of hacking and bashing VoIP, Ari Takanen will finally reveal the secrets and discuss the hype around VoIP security. The discussions in this blog will draw from his book “Securing VoIP Networks: Threats, Vulnerabilities, and Countermeasures” co-authored by Peter Thermos, and published by Addison-Wesley. Ari will also answer any questions and comments you might have regarding penetration testing and fuzzing of VoIP and other telephony networks.
Ari’s a great guy who is a member of the VOIPSA Technical Board of Advisor, who I’ve met at a number of shows and who has often shared his insight on the VOIPSEC mailing list. He was also a member of a panel last year that we ran as a Blue Box Special Edition. (There’s also another interview with Ari and his co-author Peter Thermos that’s in the Blue Box post-production queue… soon…)
Anyway, it’s great to see Ari joining the blogging space. In his first post he writes:
Building VoIP security is a team effort. Each of us look at it from a slightly different angle. All opinions are correct. During the future weeks I will share mine in this blog.
I look forward to reading those opinions!
Technorati Tags:
ari takanen, voip, security, voip security, itworld, codenomicon