IETF seeking feedback on “Requirements from SIP Session Border Controller Deployments”

ietflogo.jpgThe IETF leadership recently announced that they are seeking final comments on an Internet-Draft called “Requirements from SIP Session Border Controller Deployments” (current draft also available here) as they decide whether to move this document to an Informational RFC. The abstract of the document is as follows:

This document describes functions implemented in Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) intermediaries known as Session Border Controllers (SBCs). The goal of this document is to describe the commonly provided functions of SBCs. A special focus is given to those practices that are viewed to be in conflict with SIP architectural principles. This document also explores the underlying requirements of network operators that have led to the use of these functions and practices in order to identify protocol requirements and determine whether those requirements are satisfied by existing specifications or additional standards work is required.

If you work with SBCs, use them in your networks, or work for a SBC vendor, now is a good time to ensure that this document captures the requirements you have for deploying SBCs. Once finalized as an Informational RFC, the idea is that it will be used to assist in the potential creation of new SIP-related standards or the modification of existing standards. Now is the time to voice your opinion (and the note from the IETF explains how to do that). Comments have been requested to be received by January 16, 2008.

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